Saturday, December 11, 2010

Personal Photos of Me

I'm thinking about posting personal photos of myself on here such as the outfits I wear etc. I really want this blog to be more personal to me and it would be nice to be able to look back on it from a year from now. If I decided to do this, it will be very difficult for me seeing as privacy is very important to me also because I'm not 100% comfortable being in front of a camera. However, I think it would make me step outside of the box and challenge me.


  1. You know we'll never judge you, dear =) Do whatever you feel comfortable doing

  2. what she said :)

    Thank you for my message lauren... i'd love to be buddies im princesstrailer on twitter xx

    id love to chat :)

  3. Go for it girl - would be great to see them ;) You are a beautiful girl (lookign at your profile pic) and you have nothing to worry about. As Vampire said people won't judge you and your blog is who you are.
